
Record an audio production which includes both spoken content and sound effects.
Students may enter one project per subcategory but can submit additional projects as part of a group. However, group members must differ for each project. This category includes any sort of audio production which includes both spoken content and sound effects. Programs must have a thumbnail graphic that would be used to advertise the podcast and a musical introduction that helps draw the listener in. Programs may be any length but only the first ten minutes will be judged. *Projects that use Garageband must have the Metronome sound turned off to be judged; be sure this feature is turned off.
All entries, from conception to final product, must be written, directed, and produced by the students entering the production. However, there is no age limit on the actors or performers who appear in the production. Each entry must have a title graphic and include acknowledgement of any copyrighted material. Copyrighted material can be submitted on the entry form instead of being part of the recorded entry.
Entries must be submitted digitally. Links can be generated from students’ Office 365 accounts and other web platforms.
Judging Criteria
Creativity and Originality: The project highlights the uniqueness of the concept and reflects the student's perspective in developing the podcast theme and content.
Subject Matter: The chosen topic is presented effectively through engaging and innovative audio storytelling that captivates the audience's attention.
Episode Structure: The organization of the podcast episode is coherent, featuring a clear introduction, main content, and conclusion. This structure ensures a logical flow and demonstrates that the information or story is paced and developed in a way that keeps listeners interested while aiding their understanding.
Script and Content Development: The effectiveness of the script is evaluated based on its ability to convey the message clearly, with attention to pacing and engagement that maintains listener interest.
Overall Effectiveness/Presentation
Technical Proficiency: The quality of the audio recording is assessed, including clarity, appropriate volume levels, and the absence of background noise or distortion. The integration of sound effects, music, and audio transitions enhances the storytelling and improves the overall listener experience.
Audience Engagement: The podcast effectively captivates and maintains the listener's interest through compelling content and delivery. The audio recording should evoke human emotions or feelings, leaving a meaningful impact on the audience.
Appropriate Design Techniques/Resources
Use of Audio Software: Proficiency in utilizing audio recording software is evident in the creation of a polished and professional-sounding podcast. Sound effects and music are effectively integrated, ensuring proper credit is given and copyright licensing is adhered to.
Presentation Quality: The overall impact of the final podcast episode is assessed, taking into account sound quality, editing, and any accompanying materials, such as show notes or transcripts, that enhance the listener's experience. The information or story is paced and developed effectively, keeping listeners engaged and facilitating their understanding.